I love to do crafts and have cute handouts and activities for church (and school, and friends, and - well you get the idea). I don't consider myself creative, but often use the help of others' talents. I decided to share what I'm doing for others just like me. It may be a link to where I found something or it might even be something *I* created. Right now I work as a paraprofessional at my kids' elementary - in special ed (autism). I started creating items for my 3rd graders this year and can't wait to share them with you. I am the 1st counselor in YW (first time in YW is this past year). I also have ideas for cub scouts and sunbeams posted, my previous callings.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Monthly School Idea: Recess Bag

So this is the first tag made for the monthly school gift idea.  If you don't know what I'm referring to, go read this post.  The first month of course is going to be the bag to keep all the recess equipment in.  I found the bag below here.  It was only $5.99 and free shipping and it holds up to 8 basketballs.
They come nicely packaged like this so you can tie a cute little tag onto it:

I made two tags.  Well one tag, two sayings.  I haven't yet decided which one I will use yet:

If you would like this tag feel free to download it here.

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